Featured Coffee of the Month
Featured Coffee of the Month
Clean & Sober
Ethiopian (Yirgacheffe/Sidama) Light Roast
Natural Processed, Fair Trade Certified
Tasting Notes: Blueberry, Chocolate, Exotic Fruit
Impact Story: Your purchase not only supports women in recovery, but it also supports coffee producers by providing market access, in addition to collaborating on development projects, gender equality initiatives, and quality improvement programs in its Country of Origin.
Farm Impact: this one is just as incredible! Proceeds from this bean focuses on People-Centered Development Projects!
Fighting Cervical Cancer: (2014-ongoing) working with Grounds for Health to develop a community-based cervical cancer detection and treatment program in Ethiopia. As of 2019, 12 communities reached, 14,000 women screened and 1,500 women treated.
Ethically, Responsibly, & Sustainably Sourced